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What is a "Lifequake" & Why Are They So Transformative?

Mission in a light bulb

The term "Lifequake" has been gaining a lot of traction recently, describing significant upheavals or transformative events that reshape our lives in profound ways. Originally coined by writer/speaker Bruce Feiler, a "Lifequake" encapsulates moments of intense change that challenge our routines, beliefs, and even sometimes, our identities.

We often associate Lifequakes with personal milestones like marriage, parenthood, or health crises. These events can turn our worlds upside down, forcing us to reassess priorities, values, and paths forward. These seismic shifts extend beyond personal worlds into our professional realms, where they can manifest as game-changing events like job loss, switching careers, launching a business, scaling operations, pivoting business models, navigating through economic downturns -- you name it. Each of these milestones brings its own set of challenges and opportunities, testing your resilience, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace change.

At OOO-Marketing, we understand the dual nature of Lifequakes, as we support businesses and Work/Life coaching clients through pivotal moments that can redefine and level-up their success.


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