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New Work Trend: WFA Weeks ("Work From Anywhere Weeks")

Say hello to WFA Weeks (“Work From Anywhere Weeks") – a new perk being offered by a growing number of forward-thinking companies like American Express Co, Google, Patagonia, and Freddie Mac – designating anywhere from two to four weeks for employees to enjoy the fully remote life from wherever they choose.

While often implemented at the same time as increased requirements to be in the office, this “freedom of movement” benefit, and other “sweeteners” in a portfolio of benefits like Meeting-Free Days and Flexible Fridays, are a cost-effective way for companies who can’t offer a fully remote option to attract and retain their best employees.

This perk comes with the obvious qualifiers like delivering on your responsibilities, adjusting to time zones, etc., but studies have found employees enjoying these perks over-deliver – with 77% of those who work remotely at least a few times a month showing increased productivity.

As far as the new WFA trend goes, WLI (“We Love It”)!

Sources: Bloomberg; ConnectSolutions



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